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czy's blog





2011-03-20 23:12:41|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Solid - czy - BLOGs czy


The reason why I choose to write this blog in English is

I do not want to make my parents to worry about something

even maybe which is not so serious

Since my parents also visit here almost everyday

When you know some people are watching you

you have to hide something which you do not want them to know or worry about

Just like when fandy saw a message on his blog from one president of the high school where he works

he can not write everything he want to express as usual


In January I uploaded a paper on arXiv

It is a reaserch work following a recent work of a Japan student from OCU

I have to say

it did not cost me too much time

Cursorily speaking, the key point cost me about two nights in bed

However I still think the result is interesting and give another answer to a question I concerned before

Unfortunately three journals refused to accept it directly

even do not want to send it to any reviewer

I have to say, it is not easy to stand it

I have to say, it is not easy to walk along a scientific road


I know that fail and trouble are unavoidable, whatever you are working at

So the reason why I want to write this blog is just to express some emotion

such that I would not feel too bad and can not continue my study tomorrow

Ngo said that one essential paper is more important than one hundred trivial papers

I think that make sense, in some way


Hard hard study, day day up!


The photo was taken in November 2009, in 798 of Beijing.




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