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czy's blog





2010-09-30 01:56:46|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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the title is the last letter of September

since today is the final day of September

these days none of the blogs listing on the right side of my blog makes any change

except Chow added a boring diary on his space

which contains only one sentence

for a long time I have not met Tiger on MSN

yesterday I got the reason

maybe his life is not so easy as I thought before

everyone has his(her) own work to finish, goal to attain, responsibility to bear

having something to do is better than having nothing to do, I deem

so people stop update their blogs maybe is not a bad thing

but I still consider that add a new blog diary could help other guys know how is going at present

that counts some meaning of the existing of blog


if you get used to sleep after 1.AM

it is not a easy job to go to bed before 0.AM

for this reason I connive myself to write this blog at 2.PM, instead of sleeping

the next seven day is a long vacation because of National day

so do you have any plan about it

travelling,  reading,  studying,  sleeping, or something else?

maybe something else


Wish You Have A Good Time~

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